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Biological, psychological and social hear failure after-effects and nursing function In Cardiological Rehabilitation Departament – an illustrative example the Independent Public Health Care Unit-Specialized Hospital of the Ministry of Home Affairs and Administration in Głuchołazy

Heart diseases, especially heart failure, are one of mainly demises cause in Poland. Every year heart failure appear in hundred tousands people. Heart failure can be one with basic socials problem.

Heart failure is traumatic event which leave much consequences, not only physical, but psychological and social, too. Those consequences change lifes of people who had heart failure sick.

Purpose this thesis are: description biological, psychological and social heart failure after-effects and nursing function in Cardiological Rehabilitation Department.

Because Cardiological Rehabilitation Department is specific patients who had heart failure need competent person to care about them. Cardiological nurse should be exceptionally disposal, quick in his decisions and determination in actions.

In opinion of sick people who cure at Cardiological Rehabilitation Department in Głuchołazy, cardiological nurse should be conscientious and patient for ills. He must be proffesional and have hearty approach to sick people.

Key words: heart failure, biological heart failure after-effects, psychological heart failure after-effects, social heart failure after-effects, nursin function


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